i used to work at TV stations. Some of my first jobs. This doodling on the particle board part of the master control deck was from around the time my oldest daughter was born. I wonder if it’s still there. Costal Television in Anchorage was owned by companies in different states…in this way they could have a FOX, ABC and one other network running out of the same building. Skirting antitrust laws. It was a bit of a pirate ship. The guy who hired me always smelled like Brie and whiskey. My manager was always high as a kite. The station manager almost got stabbed right before I got hired. I remember a news person being really disappointed that the homeless person they found wasn’t dead. As there was no story.
Thinking about the broken healthcare system. A co-worker there 20yo…had a back surgery that cost 80k. And did not know how to navigate the system to tell the people denying his claim he couldn’t pay. He had no hope. Just got an apartment. But due to that bill he didn’t see anyway forward. And he died not long after I met him. If his bill had been taken care of, maybe he could looked for other opportunities.
Not long after that I quit and started my education degree.