I like to work with my students and show them my process. I also encourage them to work up drawings/studies/sketches after class. So this is me putting my money where my mouth is.
This was done in the class. And I just kept adding to it.
I was talking in class about Wendy Pini doing cosplay as Red Sonja at one point. And this is pretty unusual for me to do a straight take like this. But it wasn’t hard, Shadia had her fash bashing boots on, so I went with it.
I tried making the hair blacker too. then I tried a draw over on another layer in procreate…
Which might work for one panel of comics, but…
-something about the unedited ink and paint still resonates with me a bit more. So I kept tinkering(in procreate) and this is where I landed. Still very much in Red Sonja territory. So I don’t think this fits in the world building I’ve been doing for NEMOS. But I still enjoyed working it up. Keep making art kids!